
Brukergruppen for kraft- og industritransformatorer


CIGRÉ er en organisasjon som utarbeider rapporter for høyspenningsanlegg basert på erfaringer i bransjen. Organisasjonen er basert på frivillighet og fungerer som en brobygger mellom forskning og anvendelse.


Rapporter og anbefalinger/guider

Brosjyrer eldre enn tre år kan lastes ned gratis fra E-CIGRE sin nettside (hvis en registrere seg). Nyere må en ha medlemsnummer for å laste ned eller betale for. Det er mye gratis å hente her. Her er som eksempel søkt etter tekniske brosjyrer 2010-2017 fra A2, C4 og D1 med Transformator som stikkord listet: e-CIGRE.

Dokumentene som ligger vedlagt her inneholder kun et kort resyme av innholdet (med link direkte inn i e-Cigre) og ikke selve Cigre-dokumentene. Utgivelsen av brosjyrer i Cigré er nå mer vanlig enn tidligere og er dokumentasjonsformen de mange arbeidsgruppene har som mål å levere. Medlemsbladet Electra inneholder også en del fagartikler men dette er nå i stor grad resymeer av brosjyrene. Tidligere var Electra mye viktigere.

Antall vedlegg: 88

675 TB 861 Improvements to PD measurements for factory and site acceptance tests of power transformersJWG A2/D1.51 (Sebastian Coenen)testing, partiell utladning, delutladning, uhf, høyfrekvens, cigre, brosjyre 861
674 TB 857 On-Site Assembly, On-Site Rebuild, and On-Site High Voltage Testing of Power TransformersWG A2.59testing, on-site, montering, montasje, cigre, 857, på stedet, lokalt
673 TB 856 Dielectric performance of insulating liquids for transformersWG D1.70 TF3 (L.Lundgaard)cigre,856, væsker mineralolje, estere, standard, nye væsker, gjennomslag, dielektrisk, design
672 TB 812 Advances in the interpretation of transformer Frequency Response Analy.WG A2.53 (Patrick Picher]frekvensrespons, cigre, 812, feil, vikling, diagnose, mekanisk
624 TB 783 DGA monitoring systemsWG D1/A2.47 (Duval)DGA, Monitoring, tilstandskontroll, gassanalyse
623 TB 779 Field experience with transformer solid insulation ageing markersWG A2/D1.46 Metanol, furanic compound, furan, alkohol, tilstandskontroll, diagnose, cellulose, papir
622 TB 771 Advances in DGA interpretationWG D1/A2.47 (Duval)Gassanalyse, diagnose, DGA
621 TB 765 Understanding and mitigating corrosionWG D1.71Korrosjon, skruer mutter, tank
620 TB 761 Condition assessment of power transformersWG A2.49Vedlikehold, forvaltning, diagnose, tilstandskontroll
609 TB 755 Transformer bushing reliabilityWG A2.43755, cigre, gjennomføringer
619 TB 741 Moisture measurement and assessment in transformer insulationWG D1.51Fuktmåling, hydran, vaisala, solid-state, sensor, fuktsensor, diagnose
618 TB 738 Ageing of liquid impregnated cellulose for power transformersWG D1.53 ( Lundgaard)papir, cellulose, aldring, diagnose, levetid, DP
617 TB 735 Transformer Post-mortem AnalysisWG A2.45 (Lessard)Skroting, feil, analyse papirprøve, aldring
549 TB 676 Partial discharges in transformersWG D1.29676, cigre, brosjyre, PD, partial discharge, measurements, FAT, on-site
519 TB 673 Guide on transformer transportationWG A2.42 (Mjelve)673, cigre, brosjyre, transportation
548 TB 659 Transformer thermal modellingWG A2.38 (Susa)659, cigre, brosjyre, thermal, modeling, recommendations
521 TB 655 Technology and utilisation of oil-immersed shunt reactorsWG A2.48 655, cigre, brosjyre, shunt reactor, oil, management, monitoring
520 TB 646 HVDC transformer insulation: Oil conductivityJWG A2/D1.41 (Kuechler)646, cigre, brosjyre, hvdc, oil, coductivity
454 TB 642 Transformer reliability surveyWG A2.37 (Rajotte)642, cigre, brosjyre, feil, feilstatistikk, statistikk, brann, eksplosjon, feilårsak, feilmode
517 TB 630 Guide on transformer intelligent condition monitoring (TICM) systemsWG A2.44630, cigre, brosjyre, monitoring, tilstandskontroll, overvåking, diagnose, sensor, sensorer
518 TB 625 Copper sulphide long term mitigation and risk assessmentWG A2.40625, cigre, brosjyre, kobbersulfid, kobber, korrosjon, korrosivitet, regenerering
551 TB 577A Electrical transient interaction between transformers and the power systJWG A2/C4.39577A, cigre, brosjyre, system interaction, high frequency transients, resonance
552 TB 577B Electrical transient interaction between transformers and the power systJWG A2/C4.39577B, cigre, brosjyre, resonance, examples
550 TB 568 Transformer Energization in Power Systems: A Study GuideWG C4.307568, cigre, brosjyre, energization
525 TB 537 Guide for Transformer Fire Safety PracticesWG A2.33537,cigre, brosjyre, brann, eksplosjon, risiko, tiltak, slukking
524 TB 530 Transformer Procurement Process: Guide to the Assessment of the CapabilitWG A2.36530, cigre, brosjyre, anskaffelse, innkjøp, fabrikk, kvalifisering
523 TB 529 Transformer Procurement Process: Guide to Design Review for Power TransfoWG A2.36529, cigre, brosjyre, anskaffelse, innkjøp, design review, konstruksjonsgjennomgang
522 TB 528 Transformer Procurement Process: Guide to Preparation of Specifications fWG A2.36528, cigre, brosjyre, anskaffelse, spesifikasjon, innkjøp
616 TB 526 Oxidation Stability of Insulating LiquidsWG D1.30 (Höhlein)Isolervæske, væske, olje, ester, aldring oxidasjon
615 TB 494 Furanic Compound for DiagnosisWG D1.03 (Lessard)Lessard, papiraldring. diagnose, furan, tilstandskontroll
526 TB 445 Guide for Transformer MaintenanceWG A2.34, Rajotte445, cigre, brosjyre, vedlikehold, test, levetid, diagnose
540 TB 443 DGA in Non-Mineral Oils and Load Tap Changers and Improved DGA Diagnosis WG D1.32443, gassanalyse, dga, trinnkopler, feil, diagnose, olje, cigre, brosjyre
527 TB 436 Experiences in Service with New Insulating LiquidsWG A2.35436, olje, væske, ester, isolasjon, spesifikasjon, material, materialer, cigre, brosjyre
531 TB 414 Dielectric Response Diagnoses for Transformer WindingsWG D1.01, Gubanski414, cellulose, fukt, måling, materialer, diagnose, respons, vikling, tilstand, cigre, brosjyre
547 TB 409 Report on Gas Monitors for Oil-Filled Electrical EquipmentWG D1.01, Duval409, DGA, Gass, overvåking, olje, tilstandskontroll, cigre, brosjyre
529 TB 413 Insulating Oil Reclamation and DechlorinationWG D1.01, Pahlavanpour413, olje, aldring, levetid, vedlikehold, regenerering, pcb, inhibitor, cigre, brosjyre
546 TB 393 Thermal Performance of TransformersWG A2.24, Declerq393, termisk, aldring, temperatur, prøving, cigre, brosjyre
539 TB 378 Copper Sulphide in Transformer InsulationWG A2.32, Dahlund378, diagnose, feil, feilmode, koppersulfid, olje, material, cigre, brosjyre
542 TB 349 Moisture Equilibrium and Moisture Migration within Transformer InsulationWG A2.30, Sokolov349, fukt, vann, solid-state, sensor, karl fisher, olje, cellulose, cigre, brosjyre
545 TB 343 Recommendations for Condition Monitoring and Condition Assessment FacilitWG A2.27343, tilstandskontroll, spesifikasjon, cigre, brosjyre
541 TB 342 Mechanical-Condition Assessment of Transformer Windings using Frequency RWG A2.26342, vikling, buckling, forskyvning, kortslutning, diagnose, FRA, fra, cigre, brosjyre
536 TB 323 Ageing of cellulose in mineral-oil insulated transformersTF D1.01.10, Lundgaard323, cellulose, aldring papir, oppgradert, diagnose, levetid, vedlikehold, fukt, cigre, brosjyre
543 TB 296 Recent developments on the interpretation of dissolved gas analysis in tr JTF D1.02/A2.11296, Tilstandskontroll, DGA, gassanalyse, feil, tolking, cigre, brosjyre
532 TB 254 Dielectric response methods for diagnostics of power transformersTF D1.01.09, Gubanski254, cellulose, fukt, måling, materialer, diagnose, respons, vikling, tilstand, cigre, brosjyre
537 TB 240 Analysis of HVDC thyristor converter transformer performanceJTF B4.04/A2.01240, HVDC, likeretter, feil, drift, test, prøving, materialer, cigre, brosjyre
515 TB 248 Economics of transformer managementWG A2.20, Boss248, økonomi, investering, asset management, risiko, risk, spesifikasjon, innkjøp, drift, vedlikehold, cigre, brosjyre
538 TB 227 Life management techniques for power transformersWG A2.18, Sokolov227, levetid, feilmode, diagnose, aldring, cigre, brosjyre
516 TB 211 General overview on experience feedback methods in the field of el. equip JTF 23/12/13/21/22.16211, levetid, feil, statistikk, cigre, brosjyre
544 TB 209 The short circuit performance of power transformersWG 12.19209, kortslutning, design, cigre, brosjyre
534 TB 204 Guidelines for conducting design reviews for transformers 100 MVA and 123WG 12.22204, spesifikasjon, innkjøp, design, cigre, brosjyre
530 TB 170 Static electrification in power transformersJWG 12/15.13, Praxl170, statisk, isolasjon, material, cigre, brosjyre
535 TB 157 Effect of particles on transformer dielectric strengthWG 12.17157, olje, material, materialer, partikler, holdfasthet, cigre, brosjyre
533 TB 156 Guide for customers specifications for transformers 100 MVA and 123 kV anWG 12.15156, spesifikasjon, innkjøp, cigre, brosjyre
275 Eldre Cigre rapporterCigre, gamle, eldre, diverse
248 Experiences of the new dielectric tests (IEC Pub. 76-3) for power transformersLampetest, prøving, spenning, isolasjon, cigre, electra
247 Experimental determination of power transformer hot-spot factortermisk, temperatur, hot-spot, h-faktor, cigre, electra
243 Guide on transformer lifetime data managementlevetid, risiko, tilstand, tilstandskontroll, cigre, electra
241 HVDC converter transformer noise considerationslyd, støy, hvdc, HVDC, harmonisk, cigre, electra
240 HVDC current transformers. A review of specification contenthvdc, HVDC, spesifikasjon, driftserfaring, cigre, electra
239 Heat-run test procedure for power transformerstermisk, temperatur, prøving, måling, beregning, heat-run, cigre, electra
238 Impulse test procedure for power transformersimpulse, test, prøving, innkjøp, spesifikasjon, cigre, electra
250 Effects of geomagnetically induced currents on power transformersmagnetisme, geomagnetisme, solstorm, strømmer, induserte strømmer, cigre, electra
263 An international survey on failures in large power transformersBossifeil, drift, statistikk, cigre, electra
261 Analytical determination of transformer windings hot-spot factorhot-spot, h-faktor, termisk, temperatur, beregning, cigre, electra
260 Calcultation of short-circuit forces in transformerskortslutning, vikling, design, beregning, cigre, electra
259 Consideration of impedance and tolerances for HVDC converter transformerHVDC, hvdc, likeretter, impedans, isolasjon, innkjøp, spesifikasjon. cigre, electra
254 Direct measurement of the hot-spot temperature of transformershot-spot, termisk, temperatur, måling, sensor, heat-run, electra
253 Dissolved gas analysis during heat run tests on power transformersolje, feil, skade, DGA, dga, gassanlyse, cigre, electra
237 In-service performance of HVDC converter transformers and oil-cooledhvdc, HVDC feil, driftserfaring, test, prøving, cigre, electra
218 Study of very fast transient overvoltages in transformers (VFTO)Henriksenvfto, fast, transient, overspenning, isolasjon, SF6, electra
217 Survey of power transformer overload field practicesHenriksentermisk, temperatur, overlast, last, cigre, electra
216 The relationship between test and service stresses as a function of resistivity Lindrothhvdc, test, resistivitet, prøving, cigre, electra
213 Thermal aspects of transformers WG 12.09 (1995)prøving, termisk, varme, temperatur, cigre, electra
212 Transformer noise- determination of sound power level using the soundstøy, lyd, cigre, electra
211 Use of ZnO varistors in transformersBaehroverspenning, varistor, cigre, electra
210 Volt-time relationship for PD inception in oil paper insulationYakovutladning, pd, cigre, electra
209 Voltage test on transformers and smoothing reactors for HVDC transmissionWahlstrømtesting, hvdc, spenning, cigre, electra
221 Recommendations for measurement of partial discharges in transformersutladning, pd, test, prøving, cigre, electra
234 Lifetime evaluation of transformerslevetid, termisk, cellulose, aldring, temperatur, cigre, electra
233 Load losses in HVDC converter transformerstap, hvdc, HVDC, likeretter, beregning, electra
232 Measurement of partial discharges in transformersutladning, pd, PD, prøving, testing, diagnose, cigre, electra
230 Methods and means of voltage regulation of large transformersHellerspenningsregulering, auto, autotransformator, trinnkopler, cigre, electra
228 Overloading and loading limitations of large transformersLongtermisk, temperatur, last, belasting, overlast, cigre, electra
227 Power frequency voltage tests on transformers with partial discharge measurementspenning test, utladning, PD,prøving, cigre, electra
226 Problems concerning power transformers of very high rated powershøy, effekt, testi, prøving, electra
225 Problems related to cores of transformers and reactorskjerne, tap, cigre, electra
224 Problems related to cores of transformers and reactorskjerne, tap, cigre, electra
208 A survey of facts and opinions on the maximum safe operating temperaturetermisk, temperatur, cigre, electra